Surgical Dermatology
Dr Webster has a dedicated procedure room at his practice in Somerset West, Cape Winelands, where he performs minor in-house surgical procedures. When it is necessary, he will refer larger procedures or skin cancer operations to a plastic or other specialised surgeons. Dr Webster is very ably assisted in the above procedures by his nursing sister, Sister Michelle Munro who also does follow-up wound care and removal of sutures.

Some of the common procedures he performs:
Diagnostic Punch Biopsies
Excision of Skin Cancers
Curettage & Cautery
Shave Biopsies of Benign Naevi
Snip & Cautery of Skin Tags
Sister Munro is a great asset to the practice and with her warm and compassionate nature, she is able to put patients at ease while undergoing procedures. Like Dr Webster, she never stops learning and increasing her skills.